Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Boot Camp Day 5&6

OK OK OK! So I over slept yesterday and missed boot camp.

I was really sad that I missed a day, but since this is a long term thing I think I will be ok. So today is officially the end of my first full week. Now, we are told not to get on a scale, but I had to know if I had made any progress in one week. So with hesitation I stepped on the scale and SURPRISE,SURPRISE I lost 3.5 pounds. I am just so exited! Now only 16.5 pounds to go by Sept 15th.

I did make it to boot camp today and again I forgot my book. So you know I had to do my "encouragement" exercises but I was not alone this time almost everyone had to join me. Today was a little different because we ran and then we would stop and exercise and then we would run some more and exercise. MY trainer even committed that my running had gotten allot better. Now I still do the run walk thing but I am doing allot more running than before. I can honestly say that this is the best thing I have ever done. I am sticking to my diet and it was hard today because they were giving away Chic-fil-a sandwiches at lunch and I had an apple.  I love that little chicken sandwich. Dam office people!!!

1 comment:

  1. Things happen....I am thrilled to hear you had some weight loss, I would have had to check too. The more you talk about it the more I want to look into it when I get back to Texas. Keep it up and I will keep commenting.
